transcode a mjpeg ip cam on demand with a cgi script using ffmpeg 
To minimize bandwidth for video streaming i have to transcode mjpeg to h264.
To do this on demand ffserver is no option for me.
Therefore a small cgi script on the webserver with ffmpeg did the trick:


echo -e "Content-type: video/avi\n"

#ffmpeg -an -analyzeduration 0 -f mjpeg -r 8 -i http://IP_CAM:PORT \
# -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -r 8 -threads 2 -b:v 150k -f avi - 2>/dev/null &

avconv -an -analyzeduration 0 -f mjpeg -r 8 -i http://IP_CAM:PORT \
-c:v libx264 -pre ultrafast -r 8 -threads 2 -b:v 150k -f avi - 2>/dev/null &
trap "kill $pid" SIGTERM SIGPIPE

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